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Primus TL Config


The Primus Tower Light is a programmable signal tower status display and audible alarms for various industrial applications. This tool allows the user to configure the Primus Tower Light device's Modbus settings.

For more information about the Primus Tower Light device, please refer to the Primus Tower Light.

Child Tools



Modbus type TCP/IP or RTU.

Modbus TCP/IP is a variant of the Modbus protocol that uses Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) for communication, whereas Modbus RTU utilises serial communication media such as RS485, RS422, and RS232.

Device ID

Device ID, also known as the slave ID or unit address, is a unique identifier assigned to each server device in a Modbus network.

The default device ID is 0.



Host name, IPV4 or IPV6 address for the server (slave).

TCP/IP Server port


Primus Tower Light device's Modbus TCP/IP communication port (default to 502).

RTU Port


Client communication port number (COM for Windows and /dev/ttyUSB for Linux), default is 1.

Baud Rate


RTU Server baud rate. Baud rate is the speed at which bits are transmitted along a communication line.

The available baud rates are 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400.



RTU Server parity. Parity is an error-detection technique to ensure data integrity.

The available parity are None, Even and Odd.